Thursday, July 12, 2007

Matchie Matchersons: Third and Final installment

One hot summer afternoon, not so very long ago, I was walking on campus and happened to spot a U-haul. I, being the traveler that I am, was curious as to who this truck belonged to. That's when I saw two matching green shirts walk towards it and I wondered, could it be the Matchies?

I had grown to love the couple that matched from head to toe daily and know them well. Not by their real names ofcourse, that would take all of the fun out of it. But by Mr. and Mrs. Matcherson- a little nickname I had given them to help describe their eccentricty. They had become the highlight of my day, so naturally I was a bit taken aback when I saw that they were moving.

It was only recently that I had discovered the mystery behind this pair's wardrobe malfunction. It stemmed from a passage of scripture that described a husband and wife becoming one. This was literally translated to their wardrobe. I call this "two-become-one-syndrome". When I first found out about this "syndrome" I wondered how two people so highly educated in the bible could come to such a bizarre conclusion about what the passage was saying. 

One could only hope they did not take every passage of scripture literally.
Job 2:9 comes to mind, "Curse God and die". But it was Psalm 137:9 that made me increasingly alarmed, "Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks!"

Still, the Matchies had become a great way to break up the monotony of the day and I was sad to see them go. As I watched, from a distance, those matching converse shoes hop into the truck and drive away, a little piece of me died. There would be no more stories to tell, no more blogs to write. What would my readers do? Not five minutes later I came into contact with the weirdest dude I had ever met. It was then that I knew my blogs were saved- there were enough eccentrics in the world to sustain them for years to come. But the Matchies will still be greatly missed.

And so it is with a heavy heart that we bid thee, Matchie Matchersons, a fond farewell. To you who have given me hours of entertainment and to the countless others who have rediscovered the joy of blog reading again, we say Adieu. Though we may not see you here again on earth, we will know how to spot you in heaven. If there is any doubt, we will look for the matching plaid pants, pink polos, and phedoras.

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