Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Pinterest Challenge: Of Wreaths and Scarves

I've mentioned before that I was going to start a blog about all my Pinterest experiments: good and bad. So here is my first Pinterest Challenge blog.

Project #1: I started out with something simple: making a scarf out of old t-shirts. It seemed easy enough... or so I thought.

I followed the instructions to the letter. It seemed fairly simple and straight forward. Everything went well, until I finished it and realized it was nothing more than a whole bunch of strings around my neck. They got tangled, and it looked like a hot mess. Maybe cute co-eds can pull of this look, but if I walked into a room of my friends, I'm fairly certain they would ask me why I had a whole bunch of string tied around my neck. I ended up trying to braid it and make some sort of a necklace out of it- on the principle that I refused to waste a perfectly good t-shirt. I stuck some felt flowers on it, and it turned out decent. Not sure if it's anything that I would EVER wear in public, but hey if nothing else, it'll be a start to Liv's first dress-up box.


Project #2: A fall wreath using felt flowers.
I have spent the last several months perfecting the felt flower look and I came to the conclusion that, for me, they just looked a little too cheap. So I decided to use fabric flowers instead (which I learned how to do using THIS tutorial.) I bought a grapevine wreath for $3.50 at Walmart. Used fabric samples, scraps, and ribbon from my craft box, and some pearls from the box- note: craftboxes come in handy. It was cheap and totally easy. I finished it in just a few hours and was so excited to hang it and commence fall (at least in my head). I highly reccomend this if you want a cheap and fairly painless seasonal craft project.

So there you go, my first Pinterest Challenge. Now, I challenge YOU to hit up Pinterest and blogpost your progress! I'd love to learn something new and be inspired by my friends!

Here are a few links to friends who took the challenge:


Lisa Knopf said...

I've got my canvases to make the embossed canvas project. I've already made a slight change but I think it'll turn out alright. I'll be sure to share once I'm done :o)

Sarah May said...

You are so crafty! I SOOOO want to try the wreath! I have so many projects I want to do. Love Pintrest! Thank you for sharing!

imaya said...

WOW your wreath is amazing! SO CUTE! thanks for the flower link was just wondering how to make that kind.