Sunday, July 24, 2011

A few teeth and a whole lotta attitude

So I've blogged about teething before. I'm quite sure of it. Yet, I notice that as time has passed, I have forgotten all about the teething phase. I'm convinced there's a reason for this.

My nearly 9 month old baby girl is smack dab in the middle of this tumultuous stage. She has cut 2 adorable teeth and is in the process of cutting 2 more. However, along with those adorable teeth has come a not so adorable attitude. If I didn't know better, I would think we had started a charasmatic church with the amount of flailing, and falling to the ground this kid does. Unfortunately, this bout of teething comes with a wicked bad temper tantrum stage. I've got to say, it is trying my patience. Mostly because I cannot put her in timeout-boo.

I am pretty convinced that when it comes to labor and teething God gave us an incredible ability to forget things. Otherwise we'd never have more kids.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Ha ha ... I can guarantee you that God placed amnesia hormones in women's bodies for just these occasions. Otherwise, the human population would dwindle away :-)

I made a similar observation a few years ago: