Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Family of God.

God's been teaching me a lot about family lately.

An hour before I went into labor with Elijah, we signed a contract that would move us to California. Then my baby was born, and my world turned upside down. I often questioned why the Lord would move us out to a place where we had no family, no support system. I wondered how in the world we would make it.

But as the years passed, and the changes abounded, he began to open my eyes and challenge my view of family. What is an aunt? Someone who loves your kids unconditionally? Who is there for every milestone, and who knows them inside and out? Someone who is a sister to you, a confidant, a place of shelter?

These are aunts. The people who know your children's favorite colors, what books they read, what their favorite movie is. The people who pray for you when you need it, or bring you a cup of coffee when you are having a bad day.

What is an uncle? Someone who drops everything to pray for you when you're in the hospital? Someone who rejoices in your accomplishments, and who enjoys the wonderment of your life? What is a brother? Someone you can tell ANYTHING to and still loves you? Someone who sticks with you no matter what?

What is a mom and dad? People that are there for you when you're in a jam? People that have known you forever? Someone who makes your favorite meal for you? Or who cleans your kitchen for you one day while they watch your children? Who love you despite the fact that you broke their guitar once when you were 17?

What is a grandparent? Someone who can love AND discipline? Someone who can spoil? Someone who voluntarily spend time with your kids just because?

These are pictures of my family. Not the family that I was born into, but the family that God gave me. They are a part of his perfect plan for me and my life. I am so blessed for them to be a part of every milestone, every step, everyday- good or bad. This is what God's family looks like.


Dave said...

What a wonderful blog, Erin Kaye. You made my day (and I didn't even mean to rhyme :-) God has worked in our lives as well, for he gave us you and Tim and the kids to have as part of our family here in Redding.

StefanieSmit said...

Loved this blog Erin!!!

JohnMichaelHinton said...

love you sis!!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

so true right... I miss my extended "family." They're all over the world and/or country and/or up north where you are. ;)

Jenny said...

I miss being part of your "family." :( I still consider you to be a HUGE part of mine though.