Thursday, February 3, 2011

The February Curse

February is my birthday month, which most would see as a great thing. I see it as a cursed thing. Because, you see, every February without FAIL something always goes wrong and we end up having to spend all our money on fixing something, replacing something, or paying something and my birthday gets shoved in a box under my bed somewhere.

This year, in it's unfortunateness, is no exception. When the tire blew in the middle of January I just KNEW it was going to be a disasterous February. And, though it is MY fault that I spent the remainder of our money on groceries, I can't help but sigh and raise my fists up to the heavens. Ofcourse. February is cursed.

Recently, I was getting ready to go out and was listening to the radio. I heard this AMAZING song by the Script called "For the first time". If you haven't heard it, you should check it out. The song is all about how times are financially difficult and it really wears on a couple who have been together for a while. I must admit, I nearly cried the first time I heard it.

The last 10 years of my life have been much, much more than financially difficult. They have been financially impossible. But through it all, no matter what two things have happened: God has ALWAYS taken care of us, and Tim has ALWAYS stuck by me. That's what matters.

There's a line in the song that particularily gets to me and it's what I am now making my anthem this month:

"Oh these times are hard, they're making us crazy don't give up on me baby."

1 comment:

Sarah May said...

I kept playing this song over and over... crying like a pregnancy hormonal woman of course! Have to post on FB!