Friday, February 4, 2011

Erin Thoughts- February 4, 2011

*Why do they put ten hotdogs in a package but make you buy 12 hotdog buns? Evil marketing ploy, or way for you to feed ducks after you barbeque? Anyone's guess.

*A few days from now marks the Superbowl. Tim LOVES the superbowl because it's the biggest game of the year. I love it because it marks the end of football season. Either way, it's a HUGE celebration in our house.

*I'm turning 29 in a few days. It feels weird to say that. I used to think 29-year-olds were so old. On the plus side, it seems to be the age you give to women who are turning older "You don't look a DAY over 29." Okay, so maybe it's not SO bad.

*I've spent the last several months wondering who in the heck BRUNO MARS is. I have to say, I still don't really know and for that... I couldn't be more proud.

*Sometimes I wish I lived during the times of the wild west. But I have to say, I think it would be a little LESS like Dr. Quinn, and a little more like Deadwood.

*I totally want Pajama Jeans for my birthday. I was feeding the baby late one night, and saw an infomercial about Pajama Jeans- Pajamas that look JUST like jeans. I think this is a fabulous invention as I would much prefer to LIVE in pajamas, but don't want to embarrass my children by going to Target in them. This is the best of both worlds I think. But I've never bought a pair of $40 pajamas before. So, in case anyone was keeping track, it's not the fact that these are actually PAJAMAS made to look like JEANS that I'm worried about. It's how much they cost.


Sarah May said...

I saw those on tv too! OMG! They look AMAZING!

and who is Bruno Mars? Never heard of him... hmmmm

LSharkey said...

I didn't tell you today, but I had the same thought about the price of those things. I might actually try them if they were more like $20. :-)