Tuesday, January 11, 2011

77 days of sleep deprivation

So today marks 11 weeks in which Olivia has been alive. Which translates to 11 weeks that I haven't slept. I don't know why in the WORLD she isn't sleep trained yet. My other 2 were sleeping so well by now. Just when I thought I had this parenting thing all figured out, then comes this girl who totally rocks my world and makes me question everything I've ever done or known to do. What the HECK?
So in honor of Olivia's 11 weeks.. I give you a haiku entitled:
77 Days of Sleep Deprivation
Party All Night Long
We are Drinking until Dawn
It's a baby's life
To be totally honest, that sounds more like a great rap song. Perhaps even a youtube hit? I might just have to break out some mad rapping skillz and do a music video.


imaya said...

Oh the joys of being a madre. I am dreading the sleep deprivation/zombie months. I am certain that number two is going to have my sleep patterns and not Joe's. Thus equaling a child that will only ever needs 4-6 hours of sleep and even that won't come till a year old.
I will be waiting anxiously for the youtube rap hit. Until then I will just be happy with your excellent haiku.

the princess said...

Oh, you poor thing! :( I am sure that she will start sleeping normally soon though, I think they all just kind of have to do things in their own time. Excellent haiku, by the way :)

Sarah May said...

You are going to have to give me pointers on how to survive no sleep with TWO children!

Rachel said...

I think it all has to do with personality too...we named our little guy Casey meaning "alert and watchful" and he definitely is! He does NOT like to sleep EVER and is still not sleep trained and we are still tired...hence why I still take naps with him! Well, at least your first two were good sleepers! Hopefully my next will be too!! :)