Monday, October 4, 2010

A Sister Wives Tale

So I've started watching the new TLC show Sister Wives. It's about a mormon-based family living the "principle" lifestyle of polygamy. The show, much like HBO's drama "Big Love" focuses on Kody and his three wives: Meri, Janelle, and Christine. And once again, TLC has managed to keep me watching because, well, I can't seem to look away.
When you first look at this so-called family you think "how can they really be okay with this lifestyle?". They talk about how great life is, how they all work together so well and how they couldn't imagine life without each other. Ofcourse, that was the first episode.

As the plot thickens, Kody takes on a new girlfriend and potential 4th wife, Robyn, who is not only much younger, but also incredibly gorgeous. Suddenly, the great lifestyle and wonderful picture of happiness that they painted becomes an angry, cry-fest. Each woman confesses their issues with not only the new relationship their husband is taking on, but with polygamy as a whole. Meri, the 1st wife, even goes as far as to say she's considered leaving but couldn't take her daughter away. A-ha! So maybe these women DO have feelings and emotions afterall.

What I find so fascinating as that most of the time when they confess their jealousy or their concern over bringing a 4th wife into things their husband seems shocked, like he has never heard this from them before. How interesting that it takes a camera-crew and a long couch for them to air their grievances to their husband. And how interesting that all it takes is a pretty girl to walk by and suddenly he's "found a testimony" to marry her. What this testimony really sounds like is an excuse to bring a new, beautiful, young woman into a stale 20 year marriage. What woman wouldn't be upset? They're clearly being replaced.

So while most people are disgusted by this show, and revolted that it can even be on television, I am still glued to the TV screen like an on-looker watching a tragic fire. I just can't help but watch that house burn down. I guess polygamy ain't all it's cracked up to be? Thanks TLC.


Sarah May said...

I was going to write a Brown family blog... but just couldn't get around to it...

I found the show really interesting... I am glued every Sunday night watching as well...

I have a hard enough time getting my husband to talk to me and take me out on a date, I can't imagine having 3 other wives and over a dozen children to compete with. It cracks me up that he is seriously shocked when the wives talk about their jealous issues...

One thing I really liked though was family value... I feel that in today's world, family dynamics are so different that not much value is put into the relationships. But the Brown family seems to really honestly value every member. They are super supportive of each other...

Jenny said...

Ha ha Erin, we're too much alike. I've been watching it too!