Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm thinking..... pink.

So today I decided to enjoy the festivities of breast cancer awareness week. Since, I'm 39 weeks pregnant and didn't have much else to do. It was fun driving through town and seeing everything in pink and also the crazy people who really dress out there for the event.

So I decided to check out Chop Chix Hair Salon as they were having a BC special for the day. They were doing rockstar toes and wackadoo haircuts for $10- it was a steal! As I walked in I was bombarded by fun music, pink feather boas, all the cupcakes you could eat, and some crazy ladies dressed in Halloween-typed pink costumes. It was a madhouse...but a fun one. As I sat there, I was introduced to a campaign called "Save the Ta-tas". So many tatooos and keychains and t-shirts displaying that message proudly. At first it took me a-back, but then I really thought it was fun.
Talking to my hairstylist, she told me they had several different kinds of t-shirts with sayings on them. She told me about the one men prefer to wear "Save a life, grope your wife". I thought that was clever. Then she told me about a breast cancer survivor who was walking around with a t-shirt that said, "Heck yes they're fake, the real ones tried to kill me". I loved it!

After my exciting pink adventure, we went down to the Sundial bridge to see it lit up in all it's glory. It truly is a sight and all of Redding is there so you bump into so many people you know. It really is beautiful.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I think that's the coolest preggo picture ever Erin. You look great!