Friday, September 17, 2010

Actual Erin Thoughts September 18, 2010

*Is it just me, or does premier week for new television shows start later and later in the fall each year?

*The Redding Panda Express "discontinued" sweet and sour pork. Everywhere else did not. How do you discontinue such a popular thing? They're just lazy.

*Forget team Edward or team Jacob, in my home it's Team Buzz vs. Team Woody. I'm partial to Woody, Eli does not agree.

*Football season has started. I am refraining from making a sarcastic comment.

*I'm going to my 10 year reunion tonight. I think it would be really funny if I went into labor during the event. I would totally be a CELEBRITY.

*When I was in the 9th grade, I was kind of chunky. I worked hard all year and ended up losing a ton of weight. Then awards night came at my school, and I saw that I had been awarded the "Most improved in P.E." award. Which is pretty much a "Congratulations, you're not fat anymore" award. There was a plaque and everything, which I had to stand up and accept in front of the whole school.

*I say "dude" a lot. I don't know why.

*Everytime I see Lady Gaga's meat dress she wore at the VMA's I get a real hankerin' for some barbeque.

1 comment:

Dave said...

TV - yeah, like how about we go back to the old days when a series had something like 36 shows per season instead of 22. Ahh ... now that's TV.

Panda Express - We like Panda Express, but I must confess that I never liked their sweet & sour pork. So, I guess I can say I'm a "don't care" on that one.

Team "Woody" all the way.

Football season - life is whole once again. I thought you did well on Monday night at Cattleman's. Other than feeling like crap, of course :-) You're a sweet wife for supporting Tim and his love of football.

Reunions - I've never gone to one. Almost went to my 30th, but missed it for some reason or another. Perhaps I'll go to my 40th. I'm sure everyone but me will look really, really old.

9th grade P.E. award - Ha ha. I didn't know about that award. Hilarious.

Dude - you also say something else a lot, but then so do I. It's just too darn fun.

Lady Gaga - uh, yeah.