Friday, July 30, 2010

Back Off Bethel!

Dear People of Bethel Church:

I would like to give you a piece of my mind, and perhaps a knuckle sandwhich to the chin for coming up to my little boy today at In-n-out. It's great that you're at a Bethel conference learning whatever strange Bethel thing it is that you're learning, but we do not appreciate the unwanted and unsolicited prayer you prayed in front of a huge crowd of people while we were trying to eat our french fries.

My baby boy is beautifully and wonderfully made in Christ's image, we do not want him to be "Healed" or "fixed" we do not agree with your prayer to "grow all the things he is missing". He is PERFECT exactly the way he is. All you showed him today is that he's different than everybody else and that it needs to be fixed so it will go away. Thank you for giving us more reasons to hide in our house, away from staring eyes and prying questions. I know you were trying to "bless" him, but all you really did was embarrass him.

Maybe you should preach a little less signs and wonders and a little more sensitivity.

Erin Warkentin
representative for children with special needs everywhere. They are God's children.


Amy said...

Oh, I am so sorry that happened to you guys! That is really terrible.:(

It seems like common sense that people wouldn't do that, definitely insensitive for sure!

I agree, Elijah is perfect just how he is!

I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that!

Sarah May said...


Jenny said...

This made me cry Erin. I am so sorry this happened. Elijah is perfect. And SO loved! Shame on them!!!!

the princess said...

what were they thinking?! your little boy is perfect, and how dare someone imply otherwise? stupid and thoughtless.

Dave said...

Well, as everyone already said, Bethel people can be real boneheads, so you just learn to ignore them. Perhaps a good slap to their face the next time they approach you and start praying is in order.

Apparently, these Bethel people don't think I'm in very good shape either. Last time we ran into them, they wanted to pray for my hair to grow back. Debbie said, "No thank you! I love him just the way he is." You go girl.

And you go too, Erin. Let's hope Bethel folks read your blog.

Tricia said...

Hi Erin,
I stumbled on to your blog some how and since this is my fav so far I just wanted to say "Amen!" Some times "christians" are shockingly ingnorate of the God they say they serve. I'm also 32 weeks prego (w/#4) and hiding in the a/c.
May the Lord bless and keep you down the home stretch!