Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Actual Erin Thoughts July 14, 2010

*I have a whopping 14 comments on my Duggar Blog that I wrote a year ago. It amazes me that people STILL keep commenting on it. Maybe I should write another one?

*I am obsessed with ice cream now. Ice cream and pizza. I think when this baby comes out I am going to have to lose about 80 pounds.

*Tim and I want to get a tattoo, but we don't know of what. It's so hard to find one that's original. Maybe the only original tattoo out there, is to not get one.

*My ten year highschool reunion is coming up in 2 months. I find it difficult to justify spending $100 just to drive down the street to Riverview Golf and Country club and talk to people who never liked me and I was never friends with.

*I want to write a book someday, but I know I'll be too chicken to ever get it published.

*It bugs me when people can ONLY talk about their kids. Don't they have anything else going on in their lives? It makes me wonder, what did they talk about BEFORE they had kids?

*I love the show Wipeout. I'm not sure what it is about watching not-so-physically-fit people falling over and landing in mud, but it cracks me up.

*I have been trying to read the book: Eat Pray Love for the last 2 weeks but I can't seem to get into it. I mean, it's about this middle-aged woman with an extremely depressing life. What sort of entertainment does that bring? I think I'll stick with teenage vampires thank you.


Jenny said...

I always love your Erin thoughts.
And your new lay-out is amazing. Love it!

Sarah May said...

You should write a book... I would read it.

I am dreading the whole high school Reunion thing as well... I can't believe it is next year! ACK! Let me know (if you go) how well it goes... I kinda feel the same about my fellow classmates.

Being in the early childhood education job force I am plagued by moms only into their children. When parents get to self indulgent in talking about their own kids I seriously just talk over them and bring other families or children into the conversation... I had one mom yell at my mom (right now I am working at my moms daycare)... literally YELL curse words at us because we sent her kid home sick. She told us how she didn't care about the other kids getting sick... Some moms need to open their eyes... gah!

you guys SHOULD get a tattoo!!! Daniel wanted a tattoo but only wanted an original... so he had me kiss a napkin and the artist transferred it on this plastic paper and then transferred it on his skin and then inked it up! You should do that! You each would have a one of a kind...

Amy said...

Haha, love your thoughts Erin! I have the exact same thoughts about the reunion. ;)

Anonymous said...

Erin, a few years back I bought eat pray love, and I only got half way through. I have never finished it... you are not alone!!
(Also, the movie is coming out. Why finish the book? I'll be in Redding soon. We should go watch it together :)

Janelle said...

Hey Erin - I found your blog! I have similar thoughts on the reunion PLUS some of us have to pay airfare to even get there! I wonder how many people will actually end up going?