Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wedding woes

So our whole family is going to be in Tim's Best friend's wedding in 2 weeks. We're singing in it, Eli's the ringbearer, Tim's the best man and it's in Paradise- a total mess.

Just preparing financially and making sure all the bowties fit and that we have a place to stay all in between Noah's birthday and Elijah's surgery. It's just nuts. On top of which, the bride and groom are super stressed.

Of course taking part in weddings, always reminds me of mine. I'm trying to remember just how stressed I was when I was this close to my wedding. And all I remember is no longer caring. People would come to me with questions about black candles or white candles, tool or no tool, buttoned or not buttoned and my response would always be, "I don't care."

I think it was just because I just wanted to be married, and I knew that my wedding wasn't going to go perfectly. That's the thing about weddings, no matter how much you plan them, something inevidably goes wrong... you have to just count on that happening. But the point is that after all the hooplah there's a marriage that starts. So I'm just gonna have to hold my breath and my tongue.

(This is me at my wedding rehearsal- totally exhausted, and totally done.)


Tracey Jacobsen said...

and hope your friends don't read your blog. :)

Let me know if I can help at all! Paradise isn't *too* far from us. :)

Dave said...

Weddings ... gotta love 'em, right?

Well, two things, Erin. First, despite all the drama, I wish Debbie and I could have been at your wedding. Second, I've got to admit that when Debbie and I got married, our wedding was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't have asked for anything better or for things to go more smoothly. I suppose that may have been because it was the second one we'd been through. Also, it would be good to hear from Debbie on this since she was the primary planner. She may agree more with you than with me :-)