Friday, May 14, 2010

This Is Alabama! We Speak English!

Before I go any further, please take the next 30 seconds to watch this campaign ad for who could be the next Governor of Alabama:

Yes, let's examine why exactly we give the driver's test in 12 languages. Because though this is Alabama, it is also America. And it's okay if not everyone speaks English. Sadly, because I have spent a good segment of time in Alabama, I am not at all surprised at this kind of "forward" thinking. I mean, come on guys, it'll save money.

Mr. James, if you are so concerned about saving money you might want to consider all of the money the state would be paying towards legal fees that would oppose this blatant act of prejudiced.

This is America! We have Rights!


imaya said...

LIKE-oops not on FB.
I so agree with you on this.
Thanks for posting.

Sarah May said...

seriously!?!? What the heck!

People are lame! This Mr. James should have spent the money on speech therapy instead of this campaign video! I could barley understand his lazy consonants. So if he can't speak proper English that should warrant some sort of discrimination.

the princess said...

wow, what a sad, small-minded person. i can't believe that he would even be considered for a position of power after such a barely-veiled attempt at legitimizing racism.