Monday, May 10, 2010

God first, facebook second

I've really been challenged over the last several weeks about my devotions. I have to be honest and admit that I am NOT that great at doing them, and am rarely consistant in them.

Lately, our pastor has been challenging us to go after our God times before we do anything else. His biggest challenge? Doing devotions BEFORE he checks facebook.

That made me think: how willing am I to go on facebook, check my email, read other people's blogs, pretty much ANYTHING before I'm willing to hear from the Lord? It really puts things into perspective. I see just where my God has been put in my list of priorities.

So I've really been struggling with, and working on, opening my bible before I turn on my computer. What a challenge that is, especially since as a stay at home mom, it is my only connection to the outside world, and people who speak English and not baby babble.

It's equally been as challenging to find time in between dirty diapers, dirty dishes, feeding faces, and keeping children's fingers out of electrical sockets, to spend time with God. But I have been working on it, and I have to say it has really given me fresh eyes on my day and a bit of extra motivation in my day as I ponder the words God speaks to me during my work.

So here I am posting this blog as a public accountability to put the Lord first, instead of facebook.


Dave said...

Thanks for sharing this, Erin. As do you, I struggle with day-to-day distractions that pull me away from God and to just about anything worldly that you can imagine. What's the chorus from that song we did so many years ago?

"This world has nothing for me and this world has everything"

Isn't that the truth ... it's a daily battle. But isn't that what being a Christian is all about?

Maribeth said...

Thanks, Erin... how true... I spend more time online than I do with the One who loves me more than life itself.

I have a great recommendation for you that helps me when I hope onto the computer. Our fellow friend and magician, Danny Ray, has created the most amazing online devotional. It's simple, it doesn't take too much time, but it's always deep and challenging:

I love this site because it is online, the place where I spend most of my time anyway, so it is convenient. There is a new devotional every day, and it is very refreshing. You certainly don't have to use this resource, but I figured I would pass it along, as it may be something that would help.

God speed as you continue to put time with Him first in your day!

Love, Maribeth