Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Basing things on a Previa experience

So I was called by my doctor today and diagnosed with Placenta Previa. That scared me a little. Fortunately I have a rock-awesome midwife as a friend and even though she can't be here to deliver my baby, she is always a wealth of information on all things baby. I cannot tell you how much that keeps the worrying at bay.

So this whole previa thing has made a ton of sense, as I have been experiencing symptoms, but never understanding why. But the stinky thing is it really limits my housework and regular mom stuff I do each day. On one hand I could look at that as great, but let's be honest here.. if I don't do it, I'm just going to be looking at 4 months of sitting in filth- not appealing. However, if I DO the work and push myself, it could be harmful to the baby- catch 22 in my opinion.

So here I sit, 18 weeks pregnant, diagnosed with something a little scary, a little confusing, and a little inconvenient. It's days like this I wish my mother was here.


Anonymous said...

That is where friends and adopted aunts can come in to help. Even though your blood relatives are across the country, you still have family here.

Amy said...

I will definitely keep you in my prayers! I'm glad you have a friend that has so much experience, a definite blessing for sure. :)

If you ever need any help cleaning up, doing dishes, etc. I would be happy to help. Just let me know!

Bethany Watts said...
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Bethany Watts said...

I know this may sound weird coming from a friend who has never had any children yet.... but if you have questions about any of the medical stuff, I can try to help ease anxieties :) I did just spend an entire semester learning all the intricate parts of pregnancy & labor & delivery! I even got to watch 2 deliveries my last week of school :) I know you've been through it twice already, but sometimes it helps to talk :) Call any time!!! Oh, and if I lived closer, I would so come over & clean your house!!! No preterm labor my dear! That just won't do!!! xoxo