Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here comes Trouble

So last month I was watching my little guy content to roll around and watch the world from a distance, this month.... he's officially into everything. I'm pretty sure we should have made his middle name "trouble" which totally would have worked, as it is a Coldplay song. And wouldn't it be cool to go to school and have people ask what your middle name is? You could answer proudly, "trouble" and people would be like... no really? And you would be like, "no that's really my name". Maybe I'll look into it.
But I digress. I cannot leave him unsupervised for 5 seconds... it's scary, and awesome.

1 comment:

Maribeth said...

game over! Welcome to the chaos! Tell me how it goes with your hands full with both Elijah and now an active Noah. I'm SO glad he's finally up and moving are around. That is so exciting. I don't know if this will be true for you, but I know that once Charity started crawling, her little personality started blossoming. Watch out... pretty soon he'll start pulling himself up on everything too if he hasn't already... go Noah, go!