Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Erin Thoughts- March 9th, 2010

*My Grandmother turns 80 years old tomorrow, I hope I am as lively as her when I'm 80.
I'm pretty sure I will be.

*I just saw Shutter Island this weekend. It was good. But the one question it left me with is how many years HAS it been since Leo did Titanic? Because he looks like he's aged 20. And not in a good way.

* I admire the old pioneers because I am really awful at hanging my clothes on a line.

*It's the Chinese year of the Tiger, which makes me want to sing "Eye of the Tiger", which makes me want to play Guitar Hero.

*I actually like Windows Vista, somehow that makes me feel like a villain with a long curly black mustache.

*Is there some sort of radio conspiracy in Redding? Did they all get together and mutually decide to ONLY play christian music or country music? What if you don't like either?

*I miss Conan. There is an empty hole in my heart where he used to be. Come back to me Coney, come back.

*I really want a new dresser because mine is broken and therefor is unusable. But I secretly wonder, if I spend the money on a fancy new dresser, will I still keep all my clothes in a pile on the floor?


Sarah May said...

i too keep my clothes in piles on the floor...

i spend time hanging them up every now and again... only to have them all on the floor within a few days... this way i just bypass the middle man

my husband hates how cluttered my brain and floors are... but this system of chaos works for me!

Anonymous said...

Yes. You will still keep them piled on the floor.

I love reading your "thoughts." I miss hanging out with you!

And yes on the radio stations - guess you will just have to start listening to country. :-)

imaya said...

I love your thoughts. They just re-enforce how much I like who you are.