Thursday, March 4, 2010

The End of an Era

If you're from Redding, you know about Discovery Village. If you're a Redding die-hard, you will remember that the summer of 2000 when it opened, it was the most happening spot in town. Anyone who was anyone was there, dressed to impress, sipping a frappuccino or a jamba juice.

10 years later, it is now a desolate area, inhabited only by teenagers and people who need directions back on to the freeway. So naturally, I wasn't too surprised when I heard that Starbucks was closing the Dana Drive store for good. Not surprised, but a little sad.

A flood of emotions came when I heard the news. I thought about the first date I had with Tim, sitting in it's crowded foyer. I thought about how I moonlighted as a barista at the Dana Drive Starbucks, where I slung coffee beans for a year and a half. I thought about how Tim came in with a guitar and serenaded me in front of a huge crowd at Starbucks. I thought about how I randomly ran into a group of Canadians that I knew when I was a kid, just sitting in the oversized chairs. What were the odds?

So many memories surround the Bucks on Dana Drive that I will indeed be tearful when it closes it's doors forever. What are YOUR Dana Drive memories?


imaya said...

That seems a bit surreal! I realize I haven't been to Redding in 5.5 years but Discovery Village was so the place to go eat. What happened? I remember always seeing Tim at that pizza place-which had the best lunch deal ever (wasn't it 4.25 for pizza, salad and a drink?) What about the giant Christmas tree that would go in the fountain? Joe and I have pictures there before we were dating. I am still in shock. So where is the new place to be?

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I can't believe it's closing! that place was always packed! Reminds me that it's been a long time since I've lived in Redding. :(

Joy said...

I had no idea that it was closing! I have some great memories there. I remember going there on a date with my hubby when I was pregnant with our first baby and nearly freaked out when I found out my frapp was not a decaf like I had ordered. haha! I also used to meet with friends there and stay out way too late until the employees got fidgety and wanted us out. :) I will miss it now, because whenever I take my boys to get haircuts at XPert, we always walk over to Starbucks afterward and get hot chocolate.

Jenny said...

Reeeally??!!! Awwww, this makes me so sad! I LOVED that Starbucks and Discovery Village... so many memories! That Dana Starbucks got me through college, wedding planning, the wedding DAY, job stress, 3 pregnancies, children.... and even though we lived much closer to the Cypress Starbucks, I'd always drive to the Dana one, because it was "the" Starbucks. Oh, this is sad news. :( I am now hurting with you Erin!

JohnMichaelHinton said...

I didn't realize that Discovery Village came to Redding the same year I did. That Starbucks was the first place I took Maribeth when we first hung out! Then we went to Cold Stone. Next door.

I also remember you could always run into Simpson Students "studying" and Bethel students...well being Bethel Students. :)

Man how times change! So weird!!

Aiko said...

This is sad! Some of my favorite college memories involve hanging out at Discovery Village with roommates and choir friends. Are there any other stores left there now?

Sarah May said...

I call it "Disco Village" or "the Disco" and my much younger siblings call me lame... hahahaha