Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bad Things happen in sixes?

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I would have to say that a huge contribution to that has been the amount of things that have fallen apart in my home in the last 2 weeks. I have a february theory, and so far it has held up for 5 years. Every year in February, enevitably something comes up that costs a lot of money, and my birthday gets overlooked due to insufficient funds. This year, Tim was determined not to let that happen so he bought my present early. Which, I totally love, but unfortunately... February still came with hardships.

First, our computer pretty much shut down. It now only works for 10 minutes at a time, so writing blogs can be infuriating.

Then our vaccuum cleaner broke, that sucked....or actually it didn't.

Then our dryer broke. Let me tell you, committing to putting things out on a line when it is pouring down rain is difficult. Laundry takes like 4 times as long and I am feeling like a settler on the Oregon trail.

Then our dishwasher broke. Great, because I SOOOO have time to wash every dish by hand. You can imagine how clean my house looks right now.

Lastly, both our cars went caput. The Nissan we were given this summer continues to fail smog tests, and the only way it'll pass is if we drop $800 on a new air filter. Awesome, I so had $800 to spare. The Saturn has had issues forever, but we simply can't afford to fix both cars at the same time. So now we're back to one, not-working-that-well car.

I dunno, what I do know is I am out of patience, out of money, and out of energy.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

Let me talk to Jay about the smog thing. There was something we had to do that had nothing to do with the air filter. It was like the port didn't read or something???



If you'd like to come down for a day, you're welcome to bring your laundry!

JohnMichaelHinton said...

I'm sorry life sucks right now! I think I can add something to you "I know list"

I know Erin's God will take care of her even when she is out of all she listed. and I know Erin trusts that God. And I know in the future I will see a blog that brags about how her God showed up again. Oh and I'm guessing you may be rolling your eyes at reading this... :)

Love ya sis!

imaya said...

Good gosh! I think you get the cake for a bad month! How sad it is always your birthday month. Aren't you renting? If so, isn't it your landlords responsibility to fix the dishwasher and dryer? So, so sorry about the car stuff-that just sucks my friend. I will be praying for you.

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Ah Erin -- I so understand the frustration of when one thing breaks or falls apart--it is not really one thing --but EVERYTHING (so it seems).

We have been in that place WAY too many times! It is frustrating. It is so cliche to say "Hang in there"...but, I said it anyway, and I do hope that God will bring about peace and order to your home soon...if not than, March will just be right at your doorstep and things hopefully back to "normal"!!

Blessings and hugs,

Jenny said...

YUCK Erin!!! I am SO sorry you are going through all of that. I so know how it is to be completely broke while everything around me is falling apart....
I hope things look up... and SOON! Hopefully March will be a happy month.