Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Strangest Coincidence

If you know me, it is no huge surprise that my wedding day was not picturesque. The stories that have come from that day have lived in infamy in my home. But the strangest story was only just discovered today...5 1/2 years later.

I was finally getting around to scanning my wedding pictures when I came across a familiar face in a crowd of people. Now most would find that normal at a wedding, but because my wedding was so far away it was FILLED with people I did not know, so it was odd to me to see a now very familiar face.

To really get the irony of this picture, I have to explain the backstory:

During my time in Georgia I worked at a small post office. I was trained by a very pregnant girl named Meagan. She was nice and as we traded stories, I realized that our families knew eachother. I took over her job, she had a baby and we didn't see eachother again. Then, after moving to California, by chance we became friends on facebook.

Over the course of several years we became really good friends. We found that we had a TON in common and were bummed that we only discovered this fact AFTER I had moved 3000 miles away.

Fast forward to today, when I was so surprised to see her face in one of my wedding pictures. At the time, she was a total and complete stranger to me. I asked her about it and she sheepishly responded. She had confessed that she had indeed attended my wedding, and remembered it quite vividly. How funny. She was so embarrassed that she had crashed it and was so apologetic. Especially since, it was not a day I like to remember.

I just told her that she got to be a part of a very small group of friends that DID attend my wedding. She just wasn't my friend at the time.

What were the odds?


imaya said...

Erin, now I am dying to know why your wedding day is a day you wish to forget. I need to torture you to re-live the day for me :-)

That is funny-you are glancing at the crowd, do the double take look at the not so stranger in the crowd.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I wanna know why it was a day you want to forget too!

I assume that after 5 1/2 years it's OK for me to say I loved my wedding. I really did. *sigh*