Sunday, January 3, 2010

Living the Dream

My husband has always been a musician. When I first met him, he played guitar and sang as a worship leader. He loved what he did. But he always made mention of learning to play the drums. I would smile at him as he would play the drums on his steering wheel during road trips. Or anytime a 6/8 time song would come on, I'd watch his hands play imaginary drum sticks.

It was a dream... a silly wish. Over time, music began to take a backseat. He became a husband, and then a father. There was less time for music and his guitar began to collect dust. But there was always this tugging, a longing in his heart to learn how to play the drums.

A few months ago he mentioned how he had wanted to accomplish this goal by age 30. I never realized it was something he was so serious about. And realizing that he only had about a year until he turned 30, I figured I better get to work.

After a whole lot of scrimping and saving and shopping and bartering, I finally found a drum set that would suit his needs. Keeping it a secret was hard, but Christmas morning I finally got to see his shocked face. He was in total disbelief. Ofcourse, our garage was nowhere near ready for this new set, so we started the long process of cleaning it out.

This was the face I had been waiting to see. I watched as he set up his drums and started tapping away. I am so happy to be a part of a dream-fulfilled for him. I cannot wait to see him really enjoy it.

Of course, I had to add some finishing touches to his little part in the garage, to make it more vibrant and full of fun. Here is the result:


Jeff said...

Nice job! I am sure Tim was and is still thrilled. I am a bit jealous myself. I always wanted to learn the drums. In grade school I wanted to start playing drums in band but my parents thought it would be too loud and not challenging enough, or something like that. Anyway, I spent the next 8 years or so playing the trumpet, which was fine and all, but it wasn't the drums. So nice job...I hope Tim loves it!

Jenny said...

You're an awesome wife. Way to put the rest of us to shame. I'll be hearing about this one for a long long time. (from my drum-obsessed husband)- he actually owned one before we were married, but someone from the Simpson music department stole it. You'll have to teach me how to ever afford such a gift!

Tracey Jacobsen said...


Nice work Erin.

(And I love the new blog design too)