Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yup... like I said.

This is a response to my previous blog about God being "Crazy
Amazing"...... yeah, He really is!

Last week, I stepped out on a limb and wrote a blog about how I knew God would provide, I had no idea the kind of response HE would give me.

That night I prayed all through the night about the hospital bills, not knowing what to do next. The next morning, I received the best gifts. My friend Jaimie told me about a financial aid program the hospital provides, my friend Bethany wrote me and encouraged me, and my friend Imaya explained how she too drove a jalopy and could sympathize with me.

God was already encouraging me. Then, Tim walked through the door with a smile and a check from the IRS that we had not expected. God gave us enough to pay a good portion of our immediate medical bills.

God was already providing for me. Then my friend Imaya told me that God unexpectadly gave her a check to buy a new car! I knew God was speaking, not only to me. Somehow it really encouraged me to think that if He could provide Imaya randomly with a car, then He could also provide for our automobile needs.

He IS good, and so very "crazy amazing". When I said I was going to be able to write a blog praising Him for meeting my needs, I had no idea it would be a little over a week later.

God works in mysterious ways, I have always known that. But I just could not have imagined how he would use a blog. Wow, I am in awe.


Amy said...

That is wonderful! Praise the Lord. :) I'm so glad to hear your good news!

imaya said...

I second that-God is CRAZY AMAZING :-) So glad we go to share this together.