Saturday, August 22, 2009

When God reads your blog: A Crazy Amazing Story

3 weeks ago I wrote a blog. In it, I expressed 2 very serious needs. At the end of the blog, I wrote this: "I am writing this blog to keep an accurate record of our lives, and
God's goodness in them. I don't know what the future holds, but what I
do know is that someday in the near future, I will be able to write a blog that says "God paid our hospital bills and gave us a new car!"
Just you wait, My God is good and He will take most excellent care of us. He is Crazy Amazing!"

For the last 7 months I have been praying for a new car. Praying, knowing I had absolutely NO MONEY to buy a new car. Praying, knowing there was no reason that I should be so blessed. Praying anyway.

Over the last few weeks, the temperature, and the pressure took me to a breaking point. My prayers became more desperate, and much more specific.

I asked the Lord to give us a car with less than 100,000 miles on it, that had air conditioning that the boys could fit into. And then, I prayed that God would drop it out of the sky.

It's hard to even write what happened next, I am still in shock really. On Wednesday of this week, I got a surprising email. A friend of mine from college said she had a 2001 Nissan Sentra just sitting around at her house and she wanted to know if I would be interested in having it..... for free!

She then explained that it had 80,000 miles on it, air conditioning, and ... you guessed it, enough room for the boys. To top it all off, she offered to drive it to Redding. God, quite literally DROPPED IT FROM THE SKY!

Times are tough right now in our country. I don't know if you have lost a job, or can't pay your mortgage, or if you're in a financial pinch. But I encourage you, wherever you are in your life to Call upon the Name of the Lord. Have faith and believe that He can do the IMPOSSIBLE. And then..... ask Him to. He loves his children and he is faithful to them. I've said it before and I will say it again "Our God is Crazy Amazing"

Deuteronomy 7:9 "Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands."


imaya said...

Ok, so I saw your FB update and had to check your blog to see if there was more info on how! I have been praying for you a new car too. I seriously was covered in goosebumps when reading your entry. God is so amazing, and I love how faithful he is to us. I love your faith and your openess on your blog. WOW what a week for your family!

Kirkland Kastle Korner said...

I, too, was covered in goosebumps reading this story. Congratulations....God is SO good. :)

steelmagnolia said...

Your mother, grandmother and I have been praying for a car for you.....with air-conditioning.... didn't know about your amazing request of our God......and I didn't think about low mileage. So wonderful,Erin Kaye, to see you being this prayer warrior.....and you bless me with your faith. Love you, my sweet woman/girl. Your Aunt Kay (with an invisible "e") ;>)

Dave said...

How big is our God? Should we pray big with expectations? You, through your faithful "big" prayers have demonstrated that God is capable of providing any and everything to His children. It's awesome seeing prayer in action ...

julygirl said...

I am SO excited for you and am rejoicing with you at God's goodness and overwhelming AMAZINGNESS right now!!!! That is so awesome :)Praise God!

Unknown said...

Faith as small as a "mustard seed" can move mountains... God does do the impossible. He speaks to people who are listening to His voice and asks them to do big things (like give your perfectly good car away)and tells His children to ask for the impossible
(like may I have a car)and puts it all together to make a miracle!!!
Our God is amazing!!!!!!! Never stop Listening to His voice, Erin, and never stop asking!!! He can use you when you obey!!! Good Girl!!!!
and Thank you Father.

Amy said...

WOW!!! This is so awesome! I am so happy for you!!!! God is good!!!

Mary Costa-Pearson said...

this seriously had me in tears. thank you for reminding me to dig deeper, have more faith :)