Saturday, August 15, 2009

Insights on 2

I officially have a 2 month old and a 2 year old. Never will that happen again. 2 boys, 2 years, 2 months.... wow.

This last month I feel like we have finally been settling into a routine, well.... sort of anyway. I have been trying the cry-it-out method with Noah, and it has worked so well. I finally had to say goodbye to the bassinett yesterday, it was a sad day for me, but I am enjoying the benefits of having my room back. Noah is 2 months old and sleeps 6-7 hours a night. He eats well, he doesn't cry very loud. He's actually quite a dream baby. He's getting to be so much more alert, he's even started laughing. I love hearing that sound, there just isn't anything like it.

Elijah has been getting into non-stop trouble, and I am loving it! I know most moms hate it, but his development has been so staggered that when I find him getting into something he shouldn't or banging loudly on something I tend to want to cheer and shout for joy, rather than scold him.

Just last week Eli had a bad dream and we put him in our bed in between us while we sat quietly and read. He took my hand and held it, then he took Tim's hand. After a while, he put our hands together and put his over top of ours. It melted my heart. Just the fact that he understands that mommy and daddy love eachother is awesome. I love that I get to provide such a loving and stable environment for my children.

Being a mom of 2 has definitely been challenging. Particularily because Eli can't walk yet, going anywhere has been a struggle. I often have to take the boys to doctor appointments and therapists throughout the week, and that has really been hard on me. But the day-to-day stuff has been quite great actually. Sometimes when both of them cry at the same time it gets a bit overwhelming, so I try and make it light by singing a cry song and dancing around like a weirdo. It makes me not stress over it, and it makes Eli laugh. That helps.

So, 2 months in, and we're doing great. Our family just feels so much more complete now.
If you have one kid and are thinking about adding a second, I highly reccomend it.


Amy said...

I'm so happy to hear you're doing so great with 2 kids! That is definitely encouraging! I'm so excited to have another baby one day. We have to wait awhile before that happens, but I'm so happy to hear that it's going well for you.

Together We Save said...

You have some happy boys. 2 boys, 2 years, 2 months. Wow.

Jenny said...

Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE Noah's little smile in that picture! He's so cute!!!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I love the hand story! *sigh*

Sometimes I get the feeling that we aren't complete... but I think I'll keep Steiger as an only child for at least a little bit longer. :)