Friday, August 21, 2009

He did it! He did it!

Elijah took his first steps tonight.

I can't really express what a monumental thing that is for us. Most kids start walking around 1. With Elijah, 1 came and went. We watched him struggle to crawl, get on his knees, and even pull up on the couch. We've heard him whine, and seen him fall. We've held his hand and have tried to encourage him to walk, with no success for some time now.

We've watched, and sometimes cried, as other children have learned how to walk.
We've consulted with therapists, and had countless therapy sessions wondering what we could possibly do. And it all came down to tonight, out of the blue, when he decided to play a walking game with us.

I know most moms are excited when their child reaches this stage in life, but I feel I have earned the right to be exhuberant!


imaya said...

That is so AWESOME! You and Tim are amazing parents. I really admire your patients, and all your effort. WOW what a week for your boy!

Dave said...

I'm so excited for you guys. Doesn't it feel great when your kids accomplish things, even if it's just something like walking? Of course, this is even more special for you two because you've been waiting so long.

Thanks for sharing such a special moment ...

Tracey Jacobsen said...

Good job Elijah!!! :)

These are those little "Walking Wings" I was mentioning to you...

They seem a little odd though... :-/

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is wonderful!!

Amy said...

YAY! That is so wonderful!!! I'm so excited for Elijah and you and Tim as well! You've had an amazing weekend it sounds like and I am so happy for you. Way to go Elijah. :)