Thursday, August 13, 2009

Actual Erin Thoughts

Thursday, August 13th, 2009:

*If I tell my boys that I used to be cool, I wonder if they'll ever believe me?

*Why are there so many riots going on about the new healthcare system? And why do they seem to be started by people who know very little on the subject?

*I miss Kathie Lee with Regis.... Kelly just isn't the same.

*Why does working out cost so much money? Gyms should be free to promote healthy living.

*I really want to paint my living room.

*I really have no energy to paint my living room.

*How is it that I've had my ipod for nearly a year now, and still can't figure out how to transfer songs into itunes?

*Sometimes, I really miss working at Starbucks.

*I wonder if Noah will always have red hair, or if it's just a temporary thing?

*Football season starts in just a few weeks..... then I lose my husband for 6 months. I am not a fan of football season.

*How did Jon Gosselin end up with that hot 23-year-old? She must be legally blind.

*I wish I had a pink room with a giant purple couch and a crystal chandelier that I could lock myself in when the stinky boy pee diapers, and the booger and fart jokes became too overwhelming.

That's all.


Anonymous said...

I love you, Erin. I really enjoyed your thoughts. SOMEDAY you will get your pink room. Don't let that dream go. Then you can sit in there and scrapbook while the boys watch football for those 6 months.

JohnMichaelHinton said...

One of my favorite blogs. I love random thoughts!