Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Laughing at God

It's funny how God can speak to you at such interesting times, in such interesting scenarios.

This morning I was flipping through channels while feeding my son and came across this Regina Spektor music video called "Laughing with". The message was so powerful.
If you haven't heard the song, it is all about How God can be amusing to people; sometimes at a cocktail party or in a joke. But how nobody is laughing at God when they really need Him.

The chorus in particular talks about praying to God like he is a Genie or a magician like Houdini. That made me think; how often do I pray to God for Him to help me out of a situation, or give me something I need? When do I simply sit at His feet and tell Him how much I love Him? Do I really take the time to tell Him exactly how I feel about Him without a hidden agenda, or a "prayer request"?

I found that an embarrasingly low percentage of time do I actually just tell Him how much I love Him. I wondered how much that must hurt Him; how used He must feel. It made me think of the kind of people who only really talk to me when they need something and how it made me feel. And I wondered how in 27 years this thought never occurred to me? Wow God, thank you for what you taught me today.

If you have time, check out this music video, it's really powerful:

1 comment:

imaya said...

I LOVE, LOVE this song! So true! Thanks so much for sharing. I have listened to half a dozen times since you posted it!