Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've been bitten....

I have really avoided blogging about this particular subject, but since it seems to have totally consumed my life in the last 2 weeks, I feel the need to write about it.

I first found out about the "Twilight" saga like a year ago, bee-boppin' around reading blogs. I was skeptical at first, but then so many people my age, okay if I'm gonna be completely honest.... so many GIRLS my age were talking about it. It was like something was in the air, like an intoxicating scent that I simply couldn't avoid, try as I may.

So I started the first book last Ocotober and gobbled it up in 2 days. Then it was onto "New Moon" which I also read in record timing. Unfortunately I was interrupted by an unexpected pregnancy which caused me to be dizzy and nautious everytime I would read. So I had to wait until this month to read the next book. I have to admit, it was killing me not to know what was happening. In the meantime I watched the movie version of Twilight to get my momentary fix. It was alright, but pailed in comparison to the book.

So, after a bit of "baby recovery time" I felt the walls closing in on me. And since I haven't really left the house much in 4 weeks, I decided to escape by reading "Eclipse". Appearantly, I had underestimated the vigor that these books exuded and I was done with that book in a blink of an eye. So here I am, halfway through "Breaking Dawn" just praying this book never ends. I am seriously wondering what I am going to do with myself at 2am when my baby is feeding and I am wide awake?

I also find myself wondering how I got so caught up in these books? I mean, I'm DEFINITELY not a reader. I would rather scrub the bathroom floor than read a book. I'm not a vampire fan either.... it really disgusts me even. I think it's the teenage romance. I vicariously live out the Glory days when I was young and in love. It's all so real, the swooning feeling of a first kiss, the jabbing pain of a serious heartbreak. I love the high it gives. I am SUCH a sappy girl I know, but hey I live in a house full of boys.... can you blame me?

So, to end the blog I have so procrastinated writing due to the level of embarrassment it brings, I will finish by saying that, yes.... I, in fact, heart Edward.


imaya said...

Ok, Girl promise you will not end this virtual friendship that we have established? I read the first book and didn't get bit. My girlfriends tease me that I am missing the girl gene. I am guessing that Bella and Edward remind me a bit too much of the obsessive slightly dysfunctional high school romance that I wish to erase from my past. However, I LOVE what a witty writer you are, and really enjoyed reading this post. Someday,I wish to openly blog my thoughts like you.

Sarah said...

haha..told ya:)
glad you are enjoying finally...I just saw the movie get my's been so long since I've read them.