Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm a Survivor

I don't normally quote Beyonce songs, but I feel the need to shout it from the rooftops
"I'm a survivor"It's the end of my first week with 2 kids on my own. And it has had it's share of challenges. Everybody's schedules are different, which makes peace and quiet impossible. Also, sleep seems to be almost non-existent.... for me that is. Everybody else sleeps fine.

Having children 21 months apart was not something I planned, so I knew going into this it would be tough. Tough because Noah doesn't enjoy sleeping at night, he's more of a daysleeper. Tough because Elijah constantly gets bored being stuck in the house 24-7 and is NOT easily entertained.
But Ithink the toughest adjustment has been between THEM adjusting to eachother. Noah, ofcourse, is oblivious to Eli. However, he has already been climbed on and squashed so he's definitely going to have to be a tough baby.

Eli seems to understand perfectly that you have to be gentle with Noah, so aside from accidentally falling on him occasionally, he is always very gentle around him. He likes to "pet" Noah's head which is adorable. But he also understands that Noah has taken his place as the baby, and that is a harder adjustment.
He has become a lot more clingy and needing constant reassurance. I totally don't mind all the extra snuggle time I get with him, but I wish he was a little older so that I could explain things better and he could understand it. I cannot imagine how confusing it must be for him.

I have to admit, the first day Tim walked out the door and drove away, panic, fear and terror came upon me. But after a week of doing this on my own, I am finding it is manageable. And, shock of all shocks, I have somehow managed to stay on top of the laundry, and dishes- a feat I wasn't too good at with just ONE child.
Here's to week one.
I feel like ordering one of those Survivor buffs and putting it on my head!


Jamie said...

thats awesome!! YOu can do it! Once Noah gets about 3 months it gets easier I promise. Not so much down time at home. So for now play games and get creative with the down time. Because it will quickly pass!!!

Amy said...

Good job, Erin! You are doing so great. It's so hard to imagine having 2 little ones right now, but it sounds like you are handling it like a pro. ;)