Sunday, June 28, 2009

Church Search

We have been church shopping, hopping, and bopping for 2 years now. It's been exhausting. To be honest, I almost gave up hope that we would ever find something that filled our needs.

Ofcourse there were our spiritual needs; the meat and potatoes. But we have found that when you add children to your family, their needs are also important. And it has really been difficult to find that perfect balance. As I have often heard, the perfect church does not exist. And I think that statement is partially true; we're all human, therefore nothing can truly be perfect. But I always held out hope that something close to what we needed to fit would be out there.

I am happy to say that today we found that church. I know it's something great when I hear my husband tapping his feet and harmonizing with the songs, when I hear him laugh at a joke the pastor tells and see him anxiously filling out a visitor's card. You know it's good when you come out of a service and feel full from all of the spiritual food you just ate.

It's also nice when you come to the nursery and see that your son survived and is playing and happy- a difficult thing to accomplish by strangers. It just feels good to have met the Lord today.


Anonymous said...

So now I'm curious as to what church it is.
~Jessica Davies

JohnMichaelHinton said...

YaY!! I'm so excited!! Soo....?

Unknown said...

So the church is Risen King!