Thursday, May 7, 2009

The great Belly Button Blunder and various other tales of an overly pregnant woman

It's 25 days till this little booger comes out into the world. If I said I could hardly believe it, I would so be lying.
My belly button finally popped all the way out this week like one of those cheap turkey timers you get at Thanksgiving. I feel like my body is saying, "Ding.... it's done". If this is too much information, I am sorry... look away. I just had to take a picture of it because it is so strange and alien like.

I don't ever want to forget what 35 weeks looked like, I doubt I could forget what it felt like. 
I can barely move anymore; the slightest thing getting me out of breath. Turning from one side to the other is a full-fledged production, and my Winco belly now pokes out of even the biggest maternity shirts I own. 
I just want to know:
At what point do you become less of a person and more of an incubator?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Winco Belly....hahahahahaha...