Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family Belly Pictures

This weekend we decided to take some family belly pictures to commemorate what our family looked like before Noah came. We are thrilled for this new little bundle of joy to finally come, can't believe he's almost here.

We love our Noah baby
Playing with Elijah, the highlight of our days.

A candid shot

Yes I really am that big

Daddy and Eli's favorite game

He can't wait for his baby brother... can you tell?


Amy said...

So cute! I love these pictures. :)

julygirl said...

These are precious! In the candid shot, Elijah's face looks SO much like you :)

JohnMichaelHinton said...

cute cute cute! yep! cute!

Jenny said...

Such a good idea Erin. You'll love looking back at these when your babies are all grown up.
So sweet. Your family is beautiful.