Thursday, January 8, 2009

We're leaving on a jet plane

So this is how big Elijah was the last time we got on a plane.

It was difficult to do by myself, but because he slept the whole time, I managed just fine.
I recently decided to head on a plane again with the boy and take him to see his grandaddy in the hospital.

So, on Saturday, we will brave the airport and the crowds of people and make the claustrophobic trip. I am not particularily looking forward to the trip for a few basic reasons:

*My belly is huge and is starting to demand more room on my lap than Eli is willing to give up
*Explaining that we are almost there is useless to a 17-month-old
*My eardrums aren't equipped for the kind of noise he can muster
*I am wondering how long my pregnant bladder can hold out
*The 3 hour time change is going to throw his whole schedule off
*I have to travel across country ALONE!

So hopefully my next blog will be full of encouraging words as I talk about how wonderful he did on the trip and how quickly the time passed by. But..... I really doubt it.


Candace said...

Here's some encouragement;

Yes, I do pregnancy massage!

Call me up when you get home!


the Wildauers said...

I'll be praying for you! It'll go well...

And I'd love to do some pregnancy pics for you... email me and we can set something up -