Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Introducing the newest little Warkentin

This is a pic of our new precious bundle of joy.... a healthy baby boy!
On Tuesday we went to UC Davis for a level 2 genetic sonogram. Because of Elijah's arms, we wanted to make sure that we were at least a bit more prepared if our second baby had the same condition. Though we know it is rare, and really a total fluke.
So we made the trek to see the geneticist and get a better view of our new baby.
We had an extensive sonogram done- 45 minutes long. Elijah fell asleep because of the dark, quiet room and we just sat there, the two of us, staring at our new baby and holding our breath for bad news. The sonogram tech didn't say much and took her findings to a doctor. The wait seemed like an eternity. Finally the doctor came back and told us that everything looked great.
10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 arms, 2 legs. We were in awe.
We still don't know quite how to feel or what to think. We are overjoyed for our new baby boy, that he will not have to go through intensive surgeries and numerous hospital visits. That he will not have such physical challenges and limitations. But we mourn for our Elijah, who was not as fortunate.
We think about having 2 little boys so close in age, yet with such different physical features. We worry about how it might make Elijah feel, and dread the day when he asks us, "how come I don't have arms like brother?"
But, we are so thankful for the 2 little boys God has seen fit to bless us with. We are thankful for their similarities and also their differences. And we cannot wait to see what a house with 2 little boys will be like.


Dave said...

While we did not have to deal with quite the same circumstances as you, Erin, I can tell you that a household with two little boys, close in age, is a lot of fun. I look back on those years with such fondness. Enjoy, for it truly is a blessing from God.

Rosetta Borgic said...

Congrats, Erin. I am sure it is a relief for you both. I am glad to hear all is going well in your pregnancy!

Rosetta Borgic said...

Congrats, Erin. I am sure it is a relief for you both. I am glad to hear all is going well in your pregnancy!

Jenny said...

I am so excited for your precious little family. This little guy is blessed to have the family he does and I'm sure Eli will be thrilled to have a brother! They'll be the best of friends. We love you guys!

the Wildauers said...

Yea! Praise God- very excited for you guys!

Candace said...

I know God wouldn't have given Elijah and this new little boy to you without also giving you the answers to all their questions. God will give you the love and grace you need for each situation! You are an amazing little family.