Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution

So I have been thinking about what kind of resolution I want to have this year. I think the last year of my life has been too crazy, and too full of change to have really been able to stay on top of any kind of personal goals. But this year, I hope things will settle down a bit and I can get crackin' on some things I have been hit or miss on.

So I have decided to make my New Year's Resolution this year to scrapbook more. Perhaps this seems odd, since most people's goals are more lofty and probably more about losing weight or maintaining their house.

I guess I just don't take a lot of time for myself, to do things that interest me and things that I can be creative in. I love to be creative, to get messy and chaotic and to be free to do something inspiring. Scrapbooking is that outlet for me.

When we moved into this new house, I was so excited to have my own scrapbook room; a place to be creative. But, those hopes were dashed 3 days after we moved in when I discovered that my scrapbook room would be our new nursery. I have resigned to that fact, and have decided instead to devote a whole closet for my scrapbook stuff so I can take it out and put it away as I see fit, whenever the mood strikes me.

My goal is to be caught up with Elijah's book by the time this new baby comes. So if you come over to my house this year, please excuse the discarded dishes and the unfinished laundry, as I am working on being a more happy, fulfilled and well-rounded mommy by plugging into my creativity. Maybe next year my resolution should be to clean my house more?


Anonymous said...

As your friend, I promise to encourage you in your new years resolution. :-) Maybe we can do it together?? :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Erin Kaye. I forgot you had a blog other than the one at myspace until I was reminded by Kelly just this morning that you had one here. Sweet! I'll add it to my blog reading list.

I'm glad you are going to spend some time on yourself. That is definitely something that suffers when one becomes a parent, especially a mother. In the end, you will be a better and happier mother by doing so. You are a creative person, and you need that outlet.

Good luck on the scrapbooking. I, too, will remind you to take some time out for yourself and scrapbook away.

Happy new year, 2009!