Thursday, November 6, 2008

Torches and Pitchforks

Sheesh, who thought that voting in this election would lead to my pants being on fire?
I am what you would call a liberal republican. Which, according to most, would mean that I am NOT a republican and one better, not American. Who I vote for and what I stand for are my inaliable rights as an American (that's what is supposed to be great about this country). So why do I feel so tarred and feathered?

I am amazed at the amounts of sermons that have been emailed to me, lectures over the phone and debates I have inadvertantly (and unavoidably) gotten into over this one stupid topic. So, I have decided to recant my title. I am no longer a liberal republican, I'm an independent, Switzerland. There, now maybe I will stop getting the death threats.

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