Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What I'm Watching: Chapter One- Heroes

In response to the popularity of the Daytime Television: What you're missing series, I have decided to do a bi-weekly blog highlighting what I am currently watching. Maybe it will give you some ideas on what to rent next, or maybe just some insight into exactly how much TV I am watching.

Chapter One: Heroes
How appropriate that I start with Heroes as my chapter one title, since heroes is actually written in chapters. Now I don't know about you, but I was awfully skeptical when I first saw the previews for Heroes. I thought it looked like another hokey comic book deal, only in a weekly television series. So I stayed away from it. For 2 years I heard snippets about the show, but still wasn't ready to get into it. I mean, it just looked so lame.

Finally, about a month ago out of total desperation, I picked up a few discs from Blockbuster. I brought them home, and pressed play (all the while keeping my arms crossed). I was just sure it was going to be another disaster of a Friday night. When, to my amazement, I began to get hooked. Now it could be the incredibly good-looking cast of characters (I heart Peter Petrelli) but I really began to get sucked in.

For those of you who don't know, it's a show about your average everyday people discovering they have powers. Yes, it sounds cheesy, but it's actually pretty cool. After they discover their powers, they have to deal with how to use them, and what purpose they have in saving the world. Which leaves for some pretty great brooding Hayden Panitierre moments. It's written like a comic book, and it is constantly changing characters. So as soon as you are getting really bored of a story line, they switch over to someone else. The ADD people in the room thankyou NBC.

As soon as I saw this, it had some serious potential, but it also had the feel of a JJ Abrams show. And I don't usually like those because they have a shelf life of about 2 seasons and then they fall incredibly flat and you wonder why you wasted all those years of your life watching that crappy JJ Abrams show. But this show seems to be quite different, and that intrigues me.
Season One was a nailbiter. There were plenty of episodes for character development and a juicy plot. But Season Two was plagued by the writers strike... and it definitely showed.

SIDENOTE: Does anyone else feel that the writer's strike actually made every tv show less entertaining? I mean, they get what they want, they come back to work and it's like they make no effort at all to write good material. I was dissappointed in EVERY tv show ending last season.

BACK TO HEROES: Season Two is definitely worth watching though, even if it's just to prepare you for Season Three (which is set to begin September 22). So if you haven't gotten into this show, you still have time to rent it before the third season comes out. It's definitely worth it.... even if you're one of the skeptical ones.

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