Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A public display of affection

The world would have you believe that every husband/wife relationship out there is like an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. The typical brainless husband does something... well... brainless and gets a tongue-lashing from his quick-whitted wife.

It's too easy these days for us to complain about spouse's inadequacies, to focus on them and critique them. It's always so much easier to talk about what your spouse doesn't do.
I think that kind of negativity, the kind the world condones, can often lead to discontent. And because it's so easy to get trapped in that kind of negativity, I wanted to focus today on something my husband did that made my whole week better.

It was Sunday afternoon, which in our house means: It was football afternoon. I had just put the baby down and I left Tim to watch his game. When I came back down, totally of his own freewill, he had completely cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom. I didn't have to ask him, I didn't have to hint around, or sigh at the amount of work I was putting off until Monday. Nope, he did this all on his own. He saw what he needed to do and went to work.

This gesture meant more to me than any words he could have said, or cuddling he could have done. The fact that he would not only do it, but sacrifice sitting on the couch and watching football to do it, showed me how high on the list of priorities I was to him. It made my whole week better knowing I didn't have to tackle that.
Tim isn't perfect, but he is pretty wonderful.
And I don't think I take enough time to tell him that.
So I wanted to publicly declare his good deed.


johnny/brandi said...

what a great Sunday. I totally agree with what youre saying about how the world views marriage. How awesome of Tim to do that.

JohnMichaelHinton said...

Way to know how to turn your wife on Tim!! :) Oh, and how did you get the before and after pic? I mean i get the after...but did he take a picture before to remind you how bad it was...or did you re-stage the shot to help us imagine?

Jenny said...

Yeah Tim! Such a good guy. And good for you for acknowledging it, Erin!
(I will admit Everybody loves Raymond is one of my very favorite shows, but more because of the in-law parts of it than the "dumb husband" portrayal.)