Saturday, September 20, 2008

Moving up in the world

So today we met with the owner of our new home to settle some things and get ready to move in. I hate moving, I've done it too much, but because of that I have become an old pro at it. I so badly did not want to stay in our tiny townhouse that I kept every box from our previous move in our garage. More of a reminder that we would one day move and that this tiny place was only temporary.

After the meet and greet we decided to rummage through our pile of untouched boxes to start the long and tedious process of putting things in them. I have discovered that if you leave everything the way it was when you moved in, while being very messy and unorganized, it makes for very easy access. My husband discovered his inner Moses and parted the garage for me to be able to walk through.

And so, after several months of searching, and 1 very disturbing year of loud tenants, ghetto street fights, arsen and robbery we have finally found the perfect home. It's exciting to be able to get into a place that fits our family so well.

I will keep peeps posted on the moving process. This should be fun.


JohnMichaelHinton said...

YAYAYAYAY!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!

Jenny said...

I'm watching Elijah on moving day. No excuses. He's my little man.