Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This is my baby sister Katelyn. The first time they placed her in my arms I was 7 years old and as I looked at her tiny body I thought that there wasn't a little girl alive as beautiful as her. She's 19 now, and I still think that.

I think being a big sister trains you for motherhood. You learn how to change dirty diapers, and to get them away from hot irons and burning stoves. You protect them from bullies at school, and tell them all about boys.

The cool thing about being a big sister as opposed to being a mom is that you get to hear secrets they would never tell mom. You get to have sleepovers in your room and stay up late giggling about silly things that moms just wouldn't get. You get to bail them out of trouble and defend them when no one else can, and you get to beat down the door of the boy that breaks their heart.

I love the nickname that only I have for her, and the history I have of her entire life. I would never trade being a big sister.... EVER.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Such a sweet blog. You do have one beautiful sister & she looks like you! :) There's nothing like the bond you have with your sister(s)- see why I want Kiley to have one so bad?