Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I love my neices. It is such a joy to be an aunt. To watch these little babies grow into young ladies.

Neice #1 Emily (Little Emily)
Quite the talker, her head is buzzing around with ideas and funny stories. This is us at a Kelly Clarkson concert we went to together. I got to be a part of her first concert experience and it was a total blast. I am so thankful she didn't drag me to a Hannah Montana concert... that would have been my limit.

Neice #2 Isabella (or "Bella")

I love how she is so shy that everytime I come to visit her it takes her a little while to warm up to me. I think it's darling. And if you know me, you know I have never had a shy bone in my body, so I rather admire that quality. But no matter how long it takes to warm up to me, she always gives me a hug at the end of my visit.

I love that she knows I am Aunt Erin. She's still working on Tim's name. First he was grandpa, then Uncle Brian. But we're working on it.

Neice #3 Savannah (still working on a nickname)

I got the pleasure of being in California when she was born, and have gotten to hold her and watch her laugh since birth. It is such a gift. She's got the sweetest smile ever.

Eli loves his cousins too. Everytime we get to visit his face lights up when he sees them. I think it's good for him to be around girls. I hope they grow up like I did with my cousins; more like siblings than cousins.

Bella takes such good care of her "Cousin Elijah". He is the one she is never too shy to greet at the door!

When Tracy told me she was pregnant only months after I announced my pregnancy, she was worried I would be upset. I could not be more thrilled that Elijah has a playmate so close in age to him. They can't talk yet, or walk, but they love to be around eachother. I am so excited to see what will develop over the course of their childhood.

Being an aunt is awesome.
I get to be the "cool" one who gives them ice cream for dinner and let's them stay up waaaay past their bedtime. I get to take them out shopping and come back with their ears pierced- just for shock value.
And I know that if God blesses me with all boys, I will still be able to come over to my neices' house and watch them get ready for prom, or help them with their veils before they walk down the aisle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's so sweet. I'm glad you are enjoying your role of auntie. hehe. you left out the picture of Eli crying in between the two girls. : )