Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A blog about blogging

Have you ever gone out in public just HOPING that something funny or crazy would happen to you so you could rush home and blog about it? That's what my friend Beth and I discussed today. Being frequent bloggers, we have found that a good blog needs character, plot, and action (also whitty euphemisms help).

I often find myself jumping at the chance to do the most mundane things like: going to the grocery store, or getting my car washed, even doing my taxes all in hot pursuit of an entertaining blog. In fact, when I come home from the grocery store and nothing has happened to me, I almost feel a little sad.

It's strange how much blogging has affected me. I started blogging to document my strange experiences in the south and somehow it has morphed into a habit. I have even developed a second blog site just to document the not-as-entertaining-but-still-blogworthy aspects of my life. Strange.

In seventh grade I used to have this diary that I would write in at least once a month. Sometimes when I am in the mood to really laugh at how retarded I am, I pull it out and read all about the things that I used to think were so important. I am glad blogging wasn't around when I was in seventh grade, because I think I would have been mortified at having documented, internet-accessible, evidence of my stupidity.

Which makes me wonder, in 10 years when I look back on all of my blog history, will I feel the same way? Kinda makes you re-think blogging altogether.

Except...... that it is so terribly fun.

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