Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A friend is....

I love to blog about what inspires me. More and more, I have realized that what inspires me most, are my friends. I just had to say a special "Thankyou" to them
A true friend is:
-Someone who picks you up after a long hard day and takes you out to coffee

- Someone who can make you laugh so hard, you actually get a stomach workout!

-Someone who doesn’t see the piles of laundry or the mountains of dishes, they just see you.

-Someone who sends you postcards from exotic places they travel to, but still thinks of you when they’re in those places.

- Someone who randomly buys you something you’ve been needing FOREVER, but didn’t have the money to buy yourself.

- Someone who just listens when you call them and vent to them about your day.

-Someone who’s very presence in your life gives you strength to keep going.

-Someone who will watch your child for you just so you can get away for a few hours.

-Someone who laughs at all of your stupid jokes.

-Someone who randomly text messages you when you pop into their head.

Someone who loves you for the quirky, over-the-top, flip-flop-wearing, big haired weirdo that you are.
Thankyou to ALL of my friends for being there for me- you have truly saved my life!


Beth said...

Haha!!!! You secret blogger you- ya coulda told me ya had one of your own!!!!! It looks great! I'll add you to my list so I can keep tabs on how things are going for ya!

Candace said...

So sweet and so true. Especially about the laundry and dishes!!