Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crazy neighbors and Jesus Bumperstickers

Living in a house for 3 years spoiled us immensley. When we moved back to Redding, our quiet little paradise was destroyed by two little boys, an angry grandma, a rebellious teenager, and a crass mother.

I have done everything I know how to do; beg, plead, throw shoes at the wall, knock on their door- nothing works. I have resigned to the fact that our lives are being ruled by the people next door. Living through this often makes me feel VERY sorry for Bethoven's neighbors.

And as much as I would like to go over there and give them a REALLY big piece of my mind, I am reminded of the Christian drivers of this world.

You know, the guy that tales you for 3 miles, and then when he sees a passing lane finally speeds off ahead of you, and on his bumper it reads, "Let me tell you about Jesus." -No thanks sir, I think you already did.


I would love to give my neighbors a piece of my mind- waking up my baby doesn't exactly make me happy with them. But it wouldn't be very prudent of me to go cussing away at them and then drive to church the next day. So... I will continue to suffer in silence. And pray that God's "lesson in patience" will soon end.

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