Thursday, April 19, 2012

Erin Thoughts: April 2012

It's been a while since I've done this, thought it was time to break out the ole' 2012 Thoughts:

*Sometimes I like to collect random junk I find from the road because I tell myself that it will make a great pinterest project someday. As it stands, I have a whole lot of unfinished potential pinterest projects sitting in my garage.

*I've always been against new technology, but I gave in and finally let my husband by a new tv as the last time we bought one was 2002. 3 weeks later, I still find myself yelling things at the new tv screen like "Wow, that looks so real" and "I can't believe I waited so long to get a new one of these." Yeah, I eat my words sometimes, it's how I roll.

*I'm still coming to terms with turning 30. You'd think I'd have gotten over it by now, but every now and then I cry about it... still. I can't imagine what 50 will look like.

*I know absolutely nothing that is going on in the world of celebrities. Last week when I was standing in the check out line, I audibly gasped and gaffawed when I read the covers of all the magazines. I'm fairly confident the checker thought I was certifiably nuts.

*I own "Bridesmaids" on blu-ray. I don't even know why since the diarhea scene is not exactly something you want to watch in high definition. But hey, the outtakes are good.

*I really want to make a music video to this mommy song I wrote, but I feel like I'm in junior high for wanting to.

*I just got an updated version of photoshop only to discover that has the same software for FREE. palm to face.

*I finally figured out hashtags, after several years of not understanding hidden sarcasm. I've been missing so much.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

make a video! I'd love to see it!

Sarah May said...

do the video!!! IT WOULD BE EPIC!

imaya said...

I LOVE "Actual Erin" thoughts. Girlfriend, I don't have a T.V. and audibly gasp at how I don't even know who people on the cover are! How has this happened?
If anyone will turn that random junk into Pintrest completes it is you.

HECK YES! Get that video made. BTW are you in Portland now?

Sarah said...

you need me there to update you on the latest happenings in the town and world!:) celebrities included....
also. I'm real glad you cry about it to....glad to know i"m not the old one.:)