Thursday, April 12, 2012

Raising Prince Charming

Noah James Age 2: 
"Okay Mama, you be de pwincess and I be de pwince. You go to sweep and I kiss you but first I fight de dwagon and save you. Den you wake up and dance and we sing:I know you I walk wif you once pon a dweam. I know you de gweam in you eyes is so famiwar a gweam"

Noah, you are prince charming. You are my knight in shining armor, who protects me from dragons and sweeps me off my feet as we dance the night away at the ball. I don't know how you got in the habit of playing this game, but it's very real to you and you desire to be my prince charming all the time. My prayer is that you will not lose this desire. I pray that though girls will break your heart, or ignore you, or not even give you the time of day that you will never lose this charm. I pray that your father and I will be able to direct you on the path of righteousness and that with every year you will grow more and more gallant. I promise to teach you how to eat properly at a table and how to always put the toilet seat down so that your girlfriend can take you home to her parents and you can charm them too. Noah, the world (including the christian world) puts so much focus and emphasis in raising princesses. And I'm sorry for that because it's just as important to raise a prince and that's exactly what you are. I pray that when you grow up you will be a Godly man, full of integrity, wisdom and self control and that you will be just as delightful as the 2 year old prince charming I spend my days with now.

One day you will rescue a fair maiden and make her your princess, but until then I don't mind one bit keeping this title and all the kisses that come with it.

I love you so very much my prince charming. Love, your mama.

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