Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who's Hungry?

If you thought this was going to be a food blog, I'm sorry to dissapoint you. This is all about my love of Hunger Games. It all started a year and a half ago when I was at a baby shower. An old college friend and I were talking about our love of Twilight and how it actually got me into reading books. Maybe this sounds like a 1st grader, let me preface this by saying that I am perfectly capable of reading. I just preferred NOT to read, and would much rather have a People magazine in my hand than a good book. That, of course, changed with the introduction of Twilight and it's 400 paged books that I went through in a few days. And suddenly, I was looking for something equally as attention holding. That's when my friend suggested Hunger Games. I went to work getting the first book just to try it out.

I must admit, the idea of a bunch of CHILDREN fighting to the death in an arena for people's entertainment sounded gorey and disturbing. I wasn't sure how I could like something like that. But I tried to have an open mind. 2 days later, I had finished the book and was well into the second one. It became like crack cocaine to me, I couldn't get enough. I enjoyed it so thoroughly that once I was done, the adrenaline rush stayed with me for the next week. I tried to get my other friends to read it, but they were stuck on the whole bloody children thing and wouldn't dare.

A while past and I heard that they were making a MOVIE of the book! I was interested in the people they had casted for the characters that existed in my head. And I started chatting about it with my friends, which of course made them curious about reading the books. And, like I predicted, they also became addicted.

Now I don't USUALLY like to be one of those pretentious people that says things like, "I loved the books way BEFORE I ever knew there was a movie" but, I find myself saying just that. I felt this way about Twilight too, but this one is different because I am most proud of my new-found reading hobby and I want to make it clear that I didn't jump on a bandwagon just because everyone else is. Why I need to say that? I really don't know, pride I guess?

Tonight is the midnight showing of The Hunger Games and I am so stinking excited to be standing in line well before midnight with a coffee in hand and 800 other excited fans. There's something amazing about going to midnight showings with die-hard fans. Half the fun is the line.

I just hope they don't go into teams again. Team Gayle or Team Peeta? Oh who are we kidding, it's going to be a whole thing.

1 comment:

Sarah May said...

seriously excited to see it tonight! I finished all 3 books awhile ago and am desperate for another good read... if you find anything email me!