Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sweet gifts

As a mom, I put a lot of pressure on myself to teach and encourage my kids. This is truly important, but what they have taught me along the way is that it is equally important for them to have each other to teach and encourage. I see it in their everyday play, just how much they affect one another. I hear it when Elijah teaches the baby a new word and then praises her when she says it correctly. Or when Noah says "Good job Wijah" when he goes potty all by himself. I hear them say "excuse me" when they want to get by, thus passing down the manners to one another. I even see it in Olivia when she claps for Noah who quietly sings a song or does a dance for her. 

I can recall, not so long ago, when I was pregnant with my third baby, seeing all the stares people would give me when I told them how close together my children would all be. I'm sure they thought I was crazy, and frankly, I kind of thought I was too. The amount of work, the amount of needs, the amount of attention was dizzying. But as I sit here in the quiet of my living room and listen to the sounds of them playing together; tiny giggles, little words of encouragement and love I think.... what a gift. Just as they are a gift to me, they are also a gift to one another. I am so glad they are a little clan of people that all get to grow together through the same stages at the same times.

My prayer for you my babies, is that you have such a strong bond. That you won't let time, or distance get in the way of the precious gift you are to one another. I pray that even when I am gone, you will have each other to lean on, laugh and cry with. That is my gift to you, as you each are gifts to me.