Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's all a"boot" me

I spent the better part of last fall searching for a fabulous pair of boots. My faux Target special uggs from five years ago just weren't cutting it (though they did keep the rain off). I searched high and low for the perfect boot, it was not an easy task. And I had almost given up in the illustrious boot search when I made a quick trip to Portland. Have I mentioned I'm in love with that city yet? Oh, I feel another blog post coming on. I digress. I got to stay and reconnect with a fabulous fellow blogger, and good friend, Imaya in her lovely home. She introduced to me, and generously gave me a giftcard to DSW where I found a delightful pair of boots that were perfect for me. Perfect in that, I could stomp through puddles, lug kids to Target in, and not get wet. Perfect in that I could do said things while still looking somewhat stylish in. While on this fabulous trip to Portland, I also bought a Pashmina scarf that I fell head over heels in love with. It seriously makes me smile just putting it on.

I know it sounds really strange, but I can be having the WORST day. I can change the grossest diapers, endure the most temper tantrums, and run the most errands (kids in tow). And as long as I'm wearing my boots and my scarf I will still be smiling. Seriously I was wearing mom pants and a stained shirt today and I threw on my boots and my scarf and picked up Elijah from school feeling like a diva. What it is it about these items that brighten my day so much? I can't put a total finger on it, but I think it has to do with the fact that they are totally and completely all about ME. They go on my feet and on my neck and they are not used as toys, or cleaning devices. They are purely to make me look, and feel, better.

As moms, I think we forget this little part about ourselves. For me, it's not making time for myself that's the problem, it's physically buying things for myself. I think about the new shoes Tim needs for work, or the socks the boys need or that cute hair thing for Olivia that I am just dying to get her. But what about me? I always forget me. It isn't until someone forceably gives me something that is ONLY meant for me that I remember, oh yeah... I kinda like this and it makes me feel good.


Jenny said...

LOVE the scarf & boots! You stylish thing you.

imaya said...

Ah, so glad the boots bring you so much happiness :-) love the color of the scarf!